معرفی کتاب CompTIA A+ Cert Guide Core 1 (220-1001) And Core 2 (220-1002)

CompTIA A+ Core 1 book

با سلام خدمت همراهان همیشگی فرکیان تک. با شما هستیم با کتاب +CompTIA A . این کتاب بر مفاهیم CompTIA A+ Cert Guide Core 1 & Core 2 تمرکز کرده است.

توضيحات کتاب :

کتاب CompTIA A+ Cert Guide Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) راهنماي دريافت مدرک +CompTIA A که در زمينه کسب مهارت‌ هاي سخت‌ افزاري و نرم‌ افزارهاي معرفي مي شود . با دريافت مدرک کامپتيا به عنوان يک تکنسين IT به يک حرفه موفق تسلط پيدا کنيد . به شما کمک مي‌کند تا به سرعت نقاط ضعف را شناسايي و هر آنچه را که نياز داريد حفظ کنيد .

براي مشاهده تمامي کتاب هاي زبان اصلي بر روي لينک کليک کنيد .

با ما همراه باشید.

Book Description

In this best-of-breed study guide, a leading expert helps you master all the topics you need to know to succeed on your CompTIA exams and move into a successful career as an IT technician. The concise, focused approach explains every exam objective from a real-world perspective, helping you quickly identify weaknesses and retain everything you need to know.

Every feature of this book is designed to support both efficient exam preparation and long-term mastery:

CompTIA A+ Cert Guide Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002)

Includes coverage of the new performance-based questions
Opening Topics Lists and Exam Objectives Summary define the topics you’ll need to learn in each chapter, including a list of the official exam objectives covered in that chapter
Key Topics call attention to the information that’s most crucial to know for the exam
Exam Preparation Tasks include reviewing key topics, completing memory tables, defining key terms, working through scenarios, and answering review questions—all designed to help you go beyond simple facts to make sure you master concepts crucial to both passing the exam and enhancing your career
Key Terms defined in a complete glossary explain all the field’s essential terminology