معرفی کتاب CCSK Certificate Of Cloud Security Knowledge All-In-One Exam Guide

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با سلام خدمت همراهان همیشگی فرکیان تک. با شما هستیم با کتاب Certificate Of Cloud Security . این کتاب بر مفاهیم  امنیت بر مبنای سرویس تمرکز کرده است.

معرفي دوره :

اين سيستم يکپارچه خودآموز شما را قادر مي سازد تا با اطمينان در نسخه فعلي آزمون Cloud Security Alliances Certificate Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) شرکت کنيد . اين کتاب پوششي متمرکز بر امتحان آخرين فناوري‌هاي ابري ، از جمله مجازي‌سازي ، حاکميت و امنيت را ارائه مي‌دهد . فراتر از آمادگي براي امتحان، اين کتاب همچنين به عنوان يک مرجع ارزشمند در محل کار عمل مي کند .

فهرست مطالب :

فصل 1: مفاهيم و معماري رايانش ابري
فصل 2: ??حاکميت و مديريت ريسک سازماني
فصل سوم: مسائل حقوقي، قراردادها و کشف الکترونيکي
فصل 4: انطباق و مديريت حسابرسي
فصل 5: حاکميت اطلاعات
فصل 6: طرح مديريت E و تداوم کسب و کار
فصل 7: امنيت زيرساخت
فصل 8: مجازي سازي و کانتينرها
فصل 9: واکنش به حادثه
فصل 10: امنيت برنامه
فصل 11: امنيت داده ها و رمزگذاري
فصل 12: مديريت هويت، استحقاق و دسترسي
فصل 13: امنيت به عنوان يک سرويس
فصل 14: فناوري هاي مرتبط
فصل 15: رايانش ابري ENISA: مزايا، خطرات و توصيه‌هايي براي امنيت اطلاعات

 با ما همراه باشید.

This effective study guide provides 100% coverage of every topic on the challenging CCSK exam from the Cloud Security Alliance

This integrated self-study system enables you to take the current edition of the Cloud Security Alliances Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) exam with confidence. Written by CSA-authorized trainer Graham Thompson in collaboration with the Cloud Security Alliance, the book offers exam-focused coverage of the latest cloud technologies, including virtualization, governance, and security. Beyond exam preparation, the book also serves as a valuable on-the-job reference.

To aid in learning, CCSK Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge All-in-One Exam Guide features exam tips that highlight key information, chapter summaries that serves as quick reviews of salient points, and practice questions that allow readers to test their comprehension. All questions closely match those on the live test in tone, format, and content. Notes, Tips, and Cautions throughout provide real-world insight and call out potentially harmful situations.


Chapter 1: Cloud Computing Concepts and Architectures
Chapter 2: Governance and Enterprise Risk Management
Chapter 3: Legal Issues, Contracts, and Electronic Discovery
Chapter 4: Compliance and Audit Management
Chapter 5: Information Governance
Chapter 6: Management Plan E and Business Continuity
Chapter 7: Infrastructure Security
Chapter 8: Virtualization and Containers
Chapter 9: Incident Response
Chapter 10: Application Security
Chapter 11: Data Security and Encryption
Chapter 12: Identity, Entitlement, and Access Management
Chapter 13: Security as a Service
Chapter 14: Related Technologies
Chapter 15: ENISA Cloud Computing: Benefits, Risks and Recommendations for Information Security
Appendix A: Cloud Security Lexicon
Appendix B: Cloud Security Standards and Certifications
Appendix C: Sample Cloud Policy