دانلود کتاب Exam Ref AZ-800 Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure

با سلام خدمت همراهان هميشگي فرکيان تک. با شما هستيم با کتاب Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure با کد آزمون AZ-800
اين کتاب بر مفاهيم طراحي و مديريت زيرساخت هاي اصلي ويندوز سرور در يک محيط ابري تمرکز کرده است .
معرفي کتاب :
اين Exam Ref براي آمادگي در آزمون و کسب مهارت مديريت زيرساخت Windows Server در يک محيط ابري مناسب است. با مطالعه اين کتاب ميتوانيم در موضوعات زير اطلاعات کسب کنيم.
مديريت خدمات دامنه Active Directory (AD DS)
مديريت ويندوز سرور از طريق سياست هاي گروه دامنه
مديريت Hyper-V، VM ها و ماشين هاي مجازي Azure در حال اجرا ويندوز سرور
مديريت آدرس IP و پياده سازي اتصال شبکه
پيکربندي و مديريت اشتراک فايل Azure File Sync و Windows Server. و ذخيره سازي ويندوز سرور را پيکربندي کنيد.
اين کتاب براي چه کساني مناسب است:
براي مهندسان و مديران شبکه در زمينه پيکربندي و مديريت بارهاي کاري و خدمات ويندوز سرور در محيط هاي داخلي و Azure و Hybrid مناسب است.
الزامات گواهي :
با گذراندن آزمون AZ-800 در واقع پيش نياز آزمون AZ-801 را گذرانده ايد .
براي مشاهده تمامي کتاب هاي زبان اصلي بر روي لينک کليک کنيد .
با ما همراه باشيد.
Prepare for Microsoft Exam AZ-800
and demonstrate your real-world mastery of designing, implementing, and managing Windows Server core infrastructure in a hybrid cloud environment. Designed for professionals with Windows Server experience in on-premises, hybrid, and Azure environments, this Exam Ref focuses on the critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate level
: Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives
- Deploy and manage Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in on-premises and cloud environments
- Manage Windows Servers and workloads in a hybrid environment
- Manage virtual machines and containers
- Implement and manage an on-premises and hybrid networking infrastructure
- Manage storage and file services
This Microsoft Exam Ref:
Organizes its coverage by exam objectives
Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you
Assumes you have expertise in configuring and administering Windows Server workloads and services using on-premises, hybrid, and cloud technologies
About the Exam
Exam AZ-800 focuses on knowledge needed to deploy and manage AD DS domain controllers; configure and manage multi-site, multi-domain, and multi-forest environments; create and manage AD DS security principals; implement and manage hybrid identities; manage Windows Server via domain group policies and in hybrid environments; manage Windows Servers and workloads via Azure services; manage Hyper-V, guest VMs, and Azure VMs running Windows Server; create and manage containers; implement on-premises and hybrid name resolution; manage IP addressing and implement network connectivity; configure and manage Azure File Sync and Windows Server fi le shares; and configure Windows Server storage.
About Microsoft Certification
Passing this exam and Exam AZ-801 (Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services) fulfills your requirements for the Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate credential.