معرفی کتاب Virtualization Essentials, 2nd Edition

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با سلام خدمت همراهان همیشگی فرکیان تک. با شما هستیم با کتاب Virtualization . این کتاب بر مفاهیم مجازی سازی تمرکز کرده است.

معرفی کتاب :

Virtualization Essentials به متخصصان فناوري اطلاعات آموزش مهارت کار با محيط هاي مجازي سازي و ساخت ماشین مجازی ، در ک اصول مجازی سازی و آموزش عملی ارائه مي دهد . با تسلط بر مهارت هاي مورد نیاز بازار کار ، نحوه راه اندازي CPU، حافظه، ذخيره سازي ، شبکه و موارد ديگر را ياد خواهيد گرفت . متخصصان فناوری اطلاعات مهارت های لازم را در جهت برقراری ارتباط با زیر ساخت مجازی محور کسب می کنند .

آنچه خواهید آموخت :

درک نحوه عملکرد مجازي سازي
ایجاد يک ماشين مجازي با Scratch and Migration
پيکربندي و مديريت اجزاي اصلي و دستگاه هاي پشتيباني کننده
توسعه مجموعه مهارت هاي لازم براي کار در دنياي مجازي

براي مشاهده تمامي کتاب هاي زبان اصلي بر روي لينک کليک کنيد .

 با ما همراه باشید.

Learn virtualization skills by building your own virtual machine

Virtualization Essentials, Second Edition provides new and aspiring IT professionals with immersive training in working with virtualization environments. Clear, straightforward discussion simplifies complex concepts, and the hands-on tutorial approach helps you quickly get up to speed on the fundamentals. You’ll begin by learning what virtualization is and how it works within the computing environment, then you’ll dive right into building your own virtual machine. You’ll learn how to set up the CPU, memory, storage, networking, and more as you master the skills that put you in-demand on the job market. Each chapter focuses on a specific goal, and concludes with review questions that test your understanding as well as suggested exercises that help you reinforce what you’ve learned.

As more and more companies are leveraging virtualization, it’s imperative that IT professionals have the skills and knowledge to interface with virtualization-centric infrastructures. This book takes a learning-by-doing approach to give you hands-on training and a core understanding of virtualization.

Understand how virtualization works
Create a virtual machine by scratch and migration
Configure and manage basic components and supporting devices
Develop the necessary skill set to work in today’s virtual world

Virtualization was initially used to build test labs, but its use has expanded to become best practice for a tremendous variety of IT solutions including high availability, business continuity, dynamic IT, and more. Cloud computing and DevOps rely on virtualization technologies, and the exponential spread of these and similar applications make virtualization proficiency a major value-add for any IT professional. Virtualization Essentials, Second Edition provides accessible, user-friendly, informative virtualization training for the forward-looking pro.

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